Tag Archives for: "Waves"
LSOP Live: Sounds Like Science, May 13, 2022
In the final episode of the school year, we’ll do more than a dozen exciting experiments on sound. We’ll show you how to adjust your voice to make you sound as if you are suddenly very small—or very large. We’ll show you how to play your mouth like a flute, how to play a trumpet [...]Lesher MS Classroom Connections, March 11-12, 2021
The LSOP crew did a virtual Classroom Connections program with Lesher Middle School on March 10-11, 2021. The program — which focused on waves, sound, light, and beyond the rainbow — involved experiments and activities done by the students in their classroom (with help from teacher Ms. Freemyer and student-teacher Ms. Harsh). These experiments and […]
LSOP Live: Science It Up!, February 26, 2021
Last week, we asked students to share their questions with us—and did they ever! We got questions from “Why can we see clouds, since they are made of air?” to “Why do snowflakes have different designs?” On this episode, we take one question after another and Science It Up! We take each question and use [...]LSOP Live: The Music Show, February 5, 2021
Talking about music gives us a chance to talk about forces, frequency, energy, vibrations, and states of matter. It’s a rich topic, and one we had a lot of fun exploring. How many ways can you play Hot Cross Buns? We play it on glasses, bottles, sewer pipes, electrical conduit, and, of course, actual hot [...]LSOP Live: Waves and Oscillations, September 25, 2020
Why do you swing your arms when you walk? Why is lightning followed by thunder? And, most importantly, what happens when you drop a bowling ball on a giant water balloon? In this episode of LSOP Live, we discuss all this and more. This week, we introduce a new feature – polling! We ask you [...]Everything You Need to Know About Electromagnetic Waves
How does the world look to a bee? What exactly is different among different colors of light? We’ll consider these questions and more in this edition of Everything You Need to Know About…
Everything You Need to Know About Oscillations & Waves
What happens when you hit a water balloon with a baseball bat? Why does tightening and loosening a guitar string change the sound it produces? Can you actually catch a wave? Read on for an investigation into the answers to these questions and more!
Everything You Need To Know About Sound
What happens when you blow a trumpet through a bubble? You’ve heard of an optical illusion—how about an auditory illusion? The resources on this page answer these questions and more!
Get Your Science On: Voice Vibrations
In this episode, Mayon shows us an awesome way to see sound using a microphone, speaker, and a piece of rubber!
Show Me Some Science! Catching a Wave
The Little Shop of Physics crew makes waves on giant rolled sheets of spandex!
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- Little Shop of Physics
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1875 Campus Delivery
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Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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