Tag Archives for: "Electromagnetism"
Everything You Need to Know About Electromagnetic Waves
How does the world look to a bee? What exactly is different among different colors of light? We’ll consider these questions and more in this edition of Everything You Need to Know About…
Everything You Need to Know About Electricity
What happens when you plug a pickle into an electrical outlet? Just what is the “static” that makes your socks stick together when they come out of the dryer? Here we’ll explore electric charges, forces, and fields.
Everything You Need to Know About Magnetism
You probably have magnets stuck to your refrigerator at home. But there are also magnets in the power plant that provides electricity to your home. What are those magnets up to, and how do they do what they do?
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 8
The EveryDay Science team continues to investigate the interactions of magnets and electric charges. In this episode we use electromagnetism to listen to Bon Jovi and see some auroras!
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 7
Brian, Bailey and Taylor continue to explore the connections of between electricity and magnetism. In this episode they see how a magnet interacts with moving electrons in a television, and make a simple motor!
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 6
Brian, Bailey and Taylor begin to explore some of the connections between electricity and magnetism.
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- Little Shop of Physics
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