Tag Archives for: "EveryDay Science"
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 3
Magnetic materials like to line up with a magnetic field. Brian, Taylor, and Bailey experiment with steel paperclips and nuts near a super strong magnet.
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 2
Brian, Taylor, and Bailey team up once again to explore some of the basic properties of magnets. All magnets have at least two poles, one north and one south pole. Opposite poles attract each other and like poles repel each other.
EveryDay Science: Magnetism Part 1
Brian is joined by two young scientists, Bailey and Taylor, from Kinard Elementary School. Together they being to experiment with some magnetic materials including magnetite rocks, iron nails, steel nuts and nickel coins.
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques Part 8
In this last part of the Forces and Torque Show, the crew takes a quick trip to the Fort Collins Discovery Museum to see the principles of levers at work to lift a piano and move a bison!
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques Part 7
Brian, McKenzie and Taylor explore forces and torques in the human body.
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques Part 4
Brian, McKenzie and Taylor explore forces and torques in common kitchen tools. They use the relationship between force and distance to crack a walnut and slice and apple! All of these kitchen tools use either a lever or a wedge!
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques, Part 3
Brian, McKenzie and Taylor explore wedges and how they use the relationship between force and distance to split things apart.
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques, Part 2
McKenzie and Taylor take part in torque competitions like arm wrestling. Who can twist the hardest? It all depends on leverage!
EveryDay Science: Forces and Torques, Part 1
Brian is joined by two students, McKenzie and Taylor, and they investigate forces and torques. It’s not just how hard you push, it’s where you push!
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- Little Shop of Physics
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1875 Campus Delivery
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Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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