Now You Know: Why I Wear a Mask
Brenna uses some window cleaner—which makes a cool reaction with goldenrod paper—to show how wearing a mask limits the spread of droplets containing virus particles. The mask isn’t so much to protect you, but to protect others from you, in case you are affected.Now You Know: Zoom Magic
Lot a many of you, we've been spending a lot of time meeting on Zoom recently. Here are some Zoom Magic tricks we discovered!Now You Know: Bursting Balloons
What happens when you pop a balloon filled with air, water, or glass beads and watch it in slow motion? Find out this week on “Now You Know”.
Now You Know: Buoyancy
Many objects float in water due to buoyancy. What happens to the buoyant force when you mix air and water? Watch this video to find out!
Now You Know: Buoyancy and Free Fall
Welcome to the first video in our new series “Now You Know”! This week, we suspend various objects in the water using springs; some of these objects sink and others float. What will happen if the entire experiment is let fall? Watch the video to find out!
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