26th Annual Open House
Over 8,500 people came out for the Little Shop of Physics 26th Annual Open House
LSOP in Action: 26th Annual Open House
The 26th Annual Open House is Saturday, February 25, 2017 at the Colorado State University Lory Student Center. It’s free and open to the public! Come join the fun!
LSOP in Action: 25 Years…Half a million kids
Little Shop of Physics has been around for 25 years and has shared our unique approach to science with over 500,000 children. A quarter of a century…half a million kids.
Get Your Science On: Rotation Translation
Three balls go down tracks of varying widths. Which gets down first? The answer may surprise you!
Little Shop of Physics
Contact Details
- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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