Namibia Road Trip
Over CSU’s winter break, The Little Shop of Physics, partnered with B2Gold, a Canadian mining company, to bring a spectacular science experience to Namibia. We worked with 75 teachers and 160 students who traveled to the B2Gold Educational Center at their Otjikoto mine site outside. We also set up a miniature version of the Little Shop road program with 25 classic LSOP experiments that will be based at the Education Center and can travel around Namibia.

The 75 teachers went through an intensive day and a half training with hands-on experiments on Force and Motion and States of Matter, which were designed to align with standards from the Namibian Ministry of Education. At the end of the training, the teachers were given a kit to bring back to their schools.

The students were invited to an exciting day and half kids’ camp, where they learned science concepts in the fun and engaging Little Shop way! After every activity, the students were given a science toy which relates to each experience.

Check out these articles about our recent Namibia trip on the CSU Source and New Era Newspapers for a New Namibia.