Flash Science: Bubble Trumpet
A bubble on a stadium horn… Will it pop when the horn is played?
AAPT National Meeting
The Little Shop of Physics took part in the American Association of Physics Teachers Annual Summer Meeting in College Park, MD, from July 23-29, 2015. We presented a workshop titled Activities for Learning About Climate and Climate Change, and were able to collaborate and interact with physics educators from all over the world.
Flash Science: Bubbles Squared
A plastic frame can be used to create square—and other unusual shape—bubbles.
Flash Science: Arc of the Air
A stream of air is used to levitate a small ball—and also a light bulb.
Weather and Climate Teacher Course
For the 9th consecutive year, the Little Shop of Physics partnered with CMMAP to lead a series of professional development courses for science teachers. The first of 3 courses, titled The Science of Weather and Climate took place on July 6-8, 2015 at Colorado State University. The 20 teachers enrolled in the course engaged in a mix of activities and discussion to explore essential science principles that explain the Earth’s weather and climate: energy, motion, forces, radiation, light and color, states of matter.
Flash Science: To Pop or Not To Pop
A water-filled balloon can be held over a candle or a torch, and not pop!
Flash Science: Steel Fire
Fine steel wool will burn brightly with the help of a 9 V battery.
Contact Details
- Little Shop of Physics
Colorado State University
Natural and Environmental Science Building
1875 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1875 Telephone
Telephone: 970-458-LSOPEmail
Email: littleshopofphysics@gmail.com
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