Grades, Credit, Assignments & All That

Looking Back

Applying Concepts: Climate Change

  • Explain: How everything we’ve discussed relates to weather, climate, and climate change.
  • Explain: What happens with more CO2?
  • Extend: Discussion: Why does increased CO2 cause warming?
  • Extend: Discussion: Why does increased CO2 cause more extreme weather?

What’s Next?

Putting This to Use

  • Extend / Evaluate: Applying lessons: How can you use this in your teaching?
      • Break into 3 groups
        • Elementary: Sheila
        • Middle: Brian
        • High: Adam
      • Break into 3 groups, with a mix of different grade levels

Closing Activity: Clouds in a Glass of Beer

Evaluate: Today’s Writing Assignment

  • Write and upload answers to the following questions:
    • Write a summary of the main lessons you learned in this course.
    • Write a summary of an idea you have for using this material in your teaching.

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